The sunflowers are my favorite flowers and I love everything old, so here's a small haul for you guys, with things I bought on a fleamarket, but first some self portraits with the beautiful sunflowers me and my love bought at the supermarket yesterday:
So I went to a fleamarket with my lovely friend Carina. I didn't buy much, but I still wanted to share some photos of what I got.
First of all I finally found a seller who sold antique photos... I ended up buying all of the photos he sold, for a cheap price. Or at least I think they were cheap, I haven't count how many there was actually, perhaps they weren't as cheap as I thought, haha. Anyway, they are really pretty, but I think I'll give some of them away. Perhaps with some orders from Lady Gigglemug, let's see.
The yellow'ish' photos underneath, are probably my favorites since they look and feel really old.
Then I also bought a beautiful green pot, which I though was perfect for crystals! I don't have many and I don't know if it's a good thing to contain crystals like this, but I really want more since I love them. It's almost like I can feel some healing energy from them... some of them I always had with me when I was a young teenager, because it felt like they could help my anxiety to calm down.
Last but not least I bought the beautiful top (The pink-coloured one) that I wore today and I really like it, because of it's mixed textures and the "withered rose"-kinda colour. I also feel a bit like it could be something Melora Creager would wear and I like that thought.
Do you like going to fleamarkets? What's the best thing you've found on a market?
By the way my boyfriend called me the fairyqueen today, tihi.
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