I have been working on a few items, for Lady Gigglemug, which is my friends and my Etsy shop. Right now we're having a vacation from the shop, but I felt like making something for the shop. My plan is to also make some more Autumn-inspired stuff, since I can't wait for Autumn and since it would be nice to sell in the coming months.
The first thing I've been working on is actually on hold for a friend on Instagram, since she saw it in Lady Gigglemug's insta-story. So it won't come up on the shop, but it was meant to be on the shop... so I'm gonna show them anyway.
They're a pair of antique bloomers that I have upcycled. On the butt of these bloomers there's this big pocket with a doily and a vintage button I have from my small button-collection. I have on each leg added some more fabric that matches the pocket. On the front there's some lovely half, doilys and a patch with a print of a spoon. I draw the spoon myself and printed it on some light pink fabric, back when I was going on a design-school. I really love the look of it.
The spoon is actually a drawing I made of one of my own antique spoons. I have a small spoon-collection, hehe.
Then I once promised to make some jabots for Lady Gigglemug, but never got started. Woops, but I think jabots are beautiful and great accessories in the Autumn/Winter time. I am deffinitely going to make more.
This one is with layers in different colours and textures. I really like this one and it's colours so much!! It reminds me of the countryside somehow, hehe. The spoon is antique by the way. Some of the fabric/lace is old or thrifted and there's a doily added here aswell.
This one is with layers in different colours and textures. I really like this one and it's colours so much!! It reminds me of the countryside somehow, hehe. The spoon is antique by the way. Some of the fabric/lace is old or thrifted and there's a doily added here aswell.
The last thing I've made was going to be a jabot, but it got too high on the collar. But I really loved the colours I used and the different textures. There's some velvet, a beautiful, golden flower-ribbon, two kinds of lace, a lace bow with a red pearl and it's all sewn on to a piece of felt. I think it's so cute, hehe.
Now for something else than projects for Lady Gigglemug. My boyfriend and I went to the city to look at engagement rings and I think I found the right one! But I will have to take a look around on the internet and in some of the other antique shops in Odense. Anyway, afterwards we went to a art supply shop and the lady in there thinks I'm so beautiful, haha. She said it was like I had walked out of a scrapbook.
I was wearing the clothes on the pictures beneath. I also made some art to put in a small frame. I used aquarelle colours, a pencil and a black pen.
Now I feel very proud that I have been making some things for the shop and for myself. Especially because I am in a very bad mood currently. I feel so stressed and sad. I listen to a lot of music, to kinda get away from things. And now I have been listening to Loreena McKennitt for hours!! But I find her music so relaxing and beautiful.
Besides music I have also been watching a lot of movies. I actually watched 'Dracula' from 1992 for the first time in my life... which is ind of embarrasing since I really am a vampire-fan. I liked it a lot and even though it was a bit serious, I still laughed a few times.
Then I saw 'The vvitch'. I read a lot of different opinions on this one. But I really liked it! I love the look and atmosphere the movie has.
What do you like to do when feeling down?
I hope you all are feeling better than I am and if you want to, please recommend some movies to watch.