2 October 2016

Put on your dresses of red and gold; Summer is gone, and the days grow cold

The sight of candlelighst makes me feel both relaxed and warm. I love to watch the small flames move... sometimes they move slow, sometimes fast.
Fire have my full respect, but when I watch those small flames, they seem so fragile. You can even blow them out with one, single breath.
Burning beautiful candles in different colours, sizes and types, is a thing I do more often now when it is Autumn. My favorite season...

I know many likes summer the most. But I also know that many likes the changing seasons here in Denmark. I may admit that I have first learned to like summer a few years ago. I like Autumn and Spring the most. I love the change from Summer's heat to Autumn's cold, fresh air. I also love how I can feel my deep breathes more..... and of course I love all the colours too. The colours on the leaves from tress and bushes.

This evening I have eaten pumpkin-soup with my love. The candlelights will be lit and my favorie music plays... I feel a big inspiration to be more creative, so I think I'm gonna create something.

My newest candleholder with witches. Music is 'Four things' my The Romanovs.
From my favorite album '... and the moon was hungry'.

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